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Clarence Ewing: The Million Year Trip writesA Chat With The Right Now (Performing NYE 2017 at The Hideout!)

The clock is about to run out on 2017. But that doesn't mean CHIRP Radio is done celebrating the holiday season and an amazing year for the station. Not with Chicago band The Right Now ringing in the New Year in style with an "Up All Night" show on December 31st at The Hideout. We recently had a chance to talk to Brendan and Stef about the band and what they've got going on for the New Year...

First, an introduction for the CHIRP readers. Tell us something you want us to know.

Greetings! We’re a seven-piece soul/pop band from Chicago called The Right Now. We’re very excited to partner with CHIRP for an amazing New Year’s Eve show at the Hideout.

As we close out 2017, what do you see as the band’s big accomplishments for the past year?

Brendan (keys, guitar): We had a big year in 2017 since we released Starlight, our first album in five years. The band hit the road hard, playing fests and clubs all over the midwest and East Coast. The reception to the album was pretty incredible. We knew we had done something our fans would appreciate, but hearing NPR’s Sound Opinions rave about it (comparing Stef to Adele!) and getting spins on college radio all over the country knocked our socks off. We also had a tragedy this year that Stef will touch on.

Stef (lead vocals): 2017 will be the year that forever changed my life. Brendan touched on some of the incredible support the band received upon the release of our third album, Starlight. It was so amazing to release a product after five years and have it be so well received. We got to go back out on the road and tour following the release and had a packed summer with some really memorable moments.

Unfortunately, 2017 will leave me, my family, and this band with an immense loss. Tragedy struck my homefront early this year when I lost my very best friend and the father of my children tragically to suicide.  Since then, this band has gotten much closer as family and as a creative team.  We take our jobs very seriously as we realize that we have such a unique platform to connect and help people while we are here. We’ve partnered with Hope For The Day, an incredible organization that is on a fearless mission to make mental health a safe and comfortable topic to talk about. Founder Jonny Boucher and the rest of their team were there for my family when I needed their support the most and we are honored to give back where we can to this extremely important cause. Readers can visit this page for more information on our story.

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Categorized: Event Previews, Interviews


DJ Mick writesCHIRP Radio Best of 2017: Michael Reed

CHIRP Radio Best of 2017

Throughout December, CHIRP Radio presents its volunteers’ top albums of 2017. Our next list is from Assistant Director of Underwriting and Sponsorship Michael Reed.

2017 was not a good year on this island Earth. Standards of decency were shattered, the threat of nuclear war once again became a plausible outcome of international relations, environmental degradation and science denial became official government policy, immigrants became outlaws, facts fell before propaganda, and the powers-at-be resumed the Bush-era project of criminalizing political dissent. Need I say more? Oh yeah, and Nazis. Nazis became a viable political force again.

One of the often parroted sentiments at the beginning of this year was “With the world going to hell, at least music will be good again.” This statement was thoroughly unpacked and flayed for its indifference towards the suffering of real people at the time, and twelve months in, it is safe to say that this statement was not only arrogant but inaccurate. Many of the hotly anticipated releases of this year, while some initially well received, with only a few months of hindsight, can be slotted somewhere between “Fine, I guess…” to “Meh” to “What were they thinking?” (Sidebar: I’m officially declaring Dead Crosses clown-show-core, trademark pending).

The high profile mediocrity did have its upside in the form of more attention paid to fantastic indie soul, dance, and rock artists, whose releases might have slipped through the cracks in a year where established music press darlings had actually delivered the goods. Even the massive wave of death and doom metal released this year saw some well-deserved mainstream buzz. Bell Witch’s Mirror Reaper inexplicably made it on to the AV Club’s “Best of” list (inexplicable not because Mirror Reaper isn’t a great album [it totally is], but because the AV Club is not typically on the bleeding edge of the metal underground, good on them for digging deep)! Despite some major disappointments, there was still a lot to love about music this year, and I’m positive that many of the albums I discovered this year will be sticking with me for many years to come. These are my top LP picks for 2017.

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Categorized: Best Albums of the Year


Eddie writesCHIRP Radio Best of 2017: Eddie Sayago

CHIRP Radio Best of 2017

Throughout December, CHIRP Radio presents its volunteers’ top albums of 2017. Our next list is from volunteer Eddie Sayago.

To put it in the most family-friendly way possible: $#@&! What a year. It's finally over. As a few fellow CHIRP-folk already mentioned, Kendrick Lamar's DAMN. is a masterpiece, so this list will feature some lesser-known acts that helped me tolerate the year straight outta hell, including a Sicangu Lakota rapper, a Mexican singer songwriter, and a NYU student/musician who is despite her stage name is definitely not a soccer mom.

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Categorized: Best Albums of the Year


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